Powering an employee-centric experience for issue and Resolution Management
Discover the most innovative platform for managing and resolving employee concerns
Create logs and start tracking trends immediately
Monitor culture issues and document
resolutions all in one place
Our proven framework is built for any HR team, regardless of experience
Delivering analytics your organization needs to prevent culture-related turnover.
Workplace issue resolution hasn't changed in 40 years, but times have.
Undetected and unresolved people issues create risk that can lead to costly settlements, employee dissatisfaction, and unwanted turnover.
See what HR and employees think about Laurl and the problem we're solving.
Laurl is very cutting edge... this is so cool.
Outcomes tracking is really interesting. It’s not something I’ve ever seen before.
[Laurl] is so very necessary. So many of my coworkers have complained [to HR] and never heard back, and it leaves them wondering...how is being handled?
Learn how Laurl's Resolution Management Platform can work for your organization.